Foto Frank de Franceschi
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Acoustic Guitar - Liuteria Canova
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Frank De Franceschi


Description: This work tries to fuse Flamenco with elements of Afro-American and North African music, using the resophonic guitar played with a slide percussions. The music has been created while touring Spain and Hong Kong and visiting Morocco.

All instruments played by F. De Franceschi except "Nana del Caballo Grande" by Federico Garcia Lorca.

  • Cante Flamneco: Carmen Amor
  • "La Caricia Perdida" was inspired by the poem of Alfonsina Storni
  • "Seguirilla" was written for flamenco dancer Israel Galvan

Index of songs:

  1. La puerta sol - (De Franceschi)

  2. Jig Rag - (De Franceschi)

  3. La caricia perdida - (De Franceschi)

  4. Al Shifa - (De Franceschi)

  5. Shahida - (De Franceschi)

  6. Seguirilla - (De Franceschi)

  7. Hong Kong Rush Hour - (De Franceschi)

  8. Adioses - (De Franceschi)

  9. Train to Marrakesh - (De Franceschi)

  10. Nana del caballo grande - (F. G. Lorca)

  11. Café Cortito - (De Franceschi)

  12. Madrugada - (De Franceschi)

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